Sustainable smart crops for verified impact

Agriculture changed for good.

Use for free to discover opportunities and gain insights into your crops’ financial, social, and environmental sustainability possibilities.

Why is Sustainability Important Now?

Agriculture represents 25% of Greenhouse Gasses worldwide and the farmer is at the center of the solution for a more environment friendly agricultural model overall.

Government regulations, in the form of incentives or penalties, are rapidly expanding to include the verification of sustainable metrics at the farm level and beyond.

Sooner rather than later crops will be verified for at least one sustainable attribute (co2 emissions, water efficiencies, environmental impact, etc) and metric to be marketed domestically and abroad.

We enable your sustainable verified Crop Story™!

What’s in it for me as a farmer?


As a farmer, you will be able to create your Crop Story™ for free and access aggregated information about your production.

You’ll have the opportunity to connect with companies that recognize the value of your Crop Story and are willing to reward you for sharing it.


Walk the path of sustainability and regenerative agriculture profitably.

Improve your crop’s sustainable management at your own pace with assisted guidance and no additional costs involved


You have complete control over sharing your crop story with companies, within a crypto-confidential environment, and for a specific purpose.

Showcase the verified sustainability narrative of your crops and fields at your discretion with the reliability of an auditable blockchain-recorded Crop Story.

Simple Processes

Sign up and onboard the platform by filling in your contact information in the form below to be assisted in your Crop Story journey

Enhance your understanding of sustainable land use and unlock the potential of your Crop Story by collaborating with our team.

Share your crop story and unlock benefits by achieving goals with major companies at your decision and engagement discretion.

Explore some of the available programs

You can apply to all the programs you may find useful


Sustainable Camelina

February 14, 2024
Vision BioEnergy Oilseeds LLC (VBO) is economically supporting Camelina farmers in the US.

Sorghum Traceability

February 6, 2024
S&W Seed Company is supporting sorghum farmers in the US with $1.5 per acre

Lead the new era
of sustainable agriculture

Contact us