Communicate your product's verified achievements

Communicate your product's verified achievements

From Farm to Product

Today, customers demand to know where, when, and how the food they consume was produced.

That's why we developed this tool so that your brand can highlight the sustainable features and achievements of your products from their origin through transportation, processing, and manufacturing, ultimately reaching the buyer through a QR code that presents everything clearly and auditably.

Your product’s story

Maintaining the identity of each batch throughout the production process, as well as all the achievements. For example, verifying sustainable landscapes, environmental indicator results, footprints, and socioeconomic impacts


Social Impact

Carbon Footprint

Land Use Change



The system adapts to packaging, bags, any end product, and also to your company's awareness campaign and sustainable goals.

Let everyone know that your product is a conscious choice!

See our traceability in action

Scan this QR code and explore a demo showing how your product could display it’s story.

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